DATUM: 4. Juni 2021
ZEIT: 20:00
Seamus Blake & Clemens Orth Duo 4. Juni 2021

Seamus Blake and Clemens Orth first met in the early 2000’s at the legendary place called KAVEHAZ in New York City where they played several jam-sessions together.

Due to Seamus residency in Europe for a couple of years now they took the chance to meet again and play a spontaneous streaming concert together at Clemens´s Orth´s little Jazz oasis „Salon De Jazz“ in Cologne.

Seamus has played on six of of the Grammy nominated Mingus bands’ albums He continues to play and record with Bill Stewart, Kevin Hays, David Kikoski and Alex Sipiagin. Seamus is frequently featured as a guest artist. In 2010 he was guest of honor at the International Saxophone Symposium in Washington hosted by the US Navy Band.  Seamus was a member of John Scofield’s Quiet Band and toured and recorded with Dave Douglas. Some of the many other artists he has worked with include Eric Reed, Ethan Iverson, Chris Cheek, and Matt Penman.

Clemens works as a freelance musician and music producer and has played with Obed Calvaire, Nathaniel Townsley, Essiet Essiet, Michael Mossman, Smudo, Peter Herbolzheimer, BroSis, Helge Schneider, Laith Al Deen, Nils Wogram, Perry Robinson, Gunter Hampel, Manfred Schoof, Matthias Bergmann, Frank Gratkovski, Mark Ferber, Ross Pederson, Derek Nievergelt, Ed Schuller, Sam Minaie…and many more

streaming link: https://dringeblieben.de/videos/beamus-blake-clemens-orth-duo

2016 SALON DE JAZZ | Impressum